Here is a link to the Report of the Fort Hood Independent Review Committee.
Although the Findings in this Report outline failures in leadership, they should not be interpreted as an indictment of military commanders or the U. S. Army. While the issues raised in this Report are serious and require urgent attention, they did not result from intentional or malicious action. Rather, the climate described throughout this Report was the result of inaction in critical areas like the SHARP Program that are critical to the health and safety of our Soldiers.
This climate was the product of a mindset developed over the course of almost two decades of intense military conflicts and countering threats to the national security of this Nation around the globe. Military readiness became paramount over all other responsibilities, without fully appreciating that integrity and respect between and among Soldiers is a critical component of military readiness. Over the years, those in command at Fort Hood, however, failed to make the connection between the health and safety of the Soldiers and mission readiness. This paradigm of benign neglect was allowed to take root over time at Fort Hood, at the expense of Soldiers, particularly females in combat units. Continue reading