Junk Science Reigns

so starts a post at wrongfulconvictionsblog–Junk Science Reigns ____ So Much for True Science in the Courtroom.

[W]hen the National Academy of Sciences report Forensic Science in the United States; A Path Forward was published

people thought we might see a true effort to address “junk science being used to convict innocent people.”

The report was scathing except in regard to DNA. “The report did spawn the creation of the Federal Commission on Forensic Science, which has proven, over the last three years, to be a totally toothless tiger, accomplishing essentially nothing.”

The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology has issued an additional report that is highly condemning of current forensic practices.

Do not expect much change–the FBI and DoJ will continue to use junk science, and you can sure expect the military to do so.  See Jordan Smith, FBI AND DOJ VOW TO CONTINUE USING JUNK SCIENCE REJECTED BY WHITE HOUSE REPORT.  The Intercept, 23 September 2016.











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