Articles Posted in Up Periscope

You’ll recollect the tale of Navy Captain Lisa Nowak, commented here.  Meteor burns out. . . . image

Officials from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service last week took custody of the evidence in the case of former NASA astronaut Lisa Nowak, a Navy captain.

Florida Today reports.  The report has an excellent time-line of the strange events in this case.

I have commented before about suicides and military justice, Military Suicides.

Marine Capt. Michael A. Webb has died of an apparent suicide in the brig at Quantico while awaiting court martial, a base public affairs officer said Tuesday.

Inisde NoVa reports.

Moral:  when you go AWOL you can’t keep running if you run out of gas.  As I drive I-95 I often see military convoys.  It had not occurred to me that one or more of the drivers was in the process of going AWOL.image

An Army private is in custody in Daytona Beach for being absent without leave from Fort Stewart in Georgia.

Sean Aaron Johnson was discovered Tuesday after the military Humvee he was driving ran out of gas on the side of Interstate 95.

I have often wondered about how sports players get breaks regular people don’t.  This applies within the military just as much as in the civilian community.  Hypocrisy rains in the name of sports.

A Naval Academy football player is being permitted to continue as a midshipman even after testing positive for drug use, according to multiple sources and Web sites that have sprung up to criticize the decision.

Every day throughout the services young enlisted men and women are being disciplined, including court-martial, for drugs.  Their lives are stained forever (this assumes a continuing of the low chance of success for a discharge upgrade).  These un-athletic people are subject to:

I’m traveling to the USDB (and get to come home), so here are some hits.

I follow blog every day.  Here is part of his reference to Huntzinger, and CAAF’s pending oral argument.

Don’t expect a decision in a while. I’ve always been intrigued by the quality of opinions from the CAAF, so I’m looking forward to it.

Fort Lewis case of the soldier accused of causing the death of his 16 year old girlfriend with a drug overdose.

A 20-year-old Fort Lewis soldier has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the overdose death of his 16-year-old girlfriend in his barracks.

A military judge ruled Friday that Pvt. Timothy Bennitt was guilty of “aiding and abetting” Leah King’s wrongful use of the painkiller oxymorphone and anxiety pill Xanax.

Here’s a catch-up on some recent news items.

CAAF, ACCA, and CGCCA have issued some published opinions.  Thanks CAAFLog for the following items on cases.

United States v. Franklin, __ M.J. ___, No. ARMY 20090035 (A. Ct. Crim. App. Jan. 20, 2010) (per curiam).  The opinion is available here.

Army authorities are now claiming that Galesburg soldier Spc. Billy Miller had [AP] on his computer as well as alleged [CP] .  Miller’s tour in Afghanistan has been involuntarily extended by the army while it investigates charges of possession of [CP] and failing to obey a general order. . . . But now military officials say the failing to obey a general order charge relates to pornography involving adults found on the Illinois National Guard soldier’s computer. Soldiers are not allowed to possess pornography in Afghanistan[.] reports.

A child pornography charge and a related count filed against an Illinois Army National Guard soldier in Afghanistan do not stem from family photos of a young relative, a U.S. Army spokesman told The Associated Press on Tuesday. . . . "In this case however, it was important to set the record straight with regards to the photos of the (relative) being portrayed as evidence leading to [CP] charges in this case. They are not," Clementson wrote.

USA Today reports the LTC shoplifting case:

A U.S. Army lieutenant colonel facing court-martial on a shoplifting charge blames the Army for mistakenly reducing the medicine he takes to curb his urge to steal.

Army Times reports:

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