
Articles Posted in UCMJ


The shrinking privilege

That is Professor Colin Miller’s entree to: The Shrink(ing) Privilege, Take 2: New York Times Article Reports That Exceptions To Military Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege Are Hindering Therapy. My post is here on the NYT article discussing the military patient-psychotherapist privilege at court-martial and under the UCMJ.


Flawed court-martial pretrial system

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan’s defense attorney skirmished with Army commanders Wednesday over the timing of a sanity examination for the Fort Hood gunman, saying that his client is still too medically impaired to participate. So begins a piece in the Dallas News.  What’s the flaw.  There is no judge that…


ACCA court-martial appeal decisions

United States v. Story.  Here the issue is two-fold: what is the response when the members want to call a witness, and what is permissible on appeal to demonstrate prejudice.  ACCA found error in the military judge denying the members an opportunity to call a witness.  On appeal, ACCA found…


Self-reporting – not

The Navy’s rule forcing sailors to “promptly” tell their commanding officers if they have been arrested for an off-base drunken-driving violation is unconstitutional, the Navy and Marine Corps’s highest military judges have ruled. And so begins a Navy Times article on United States v. Serianne. I have posted before about…


Military Tattoo

No, this isn’t an advert for the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, or any other.  It’s a reminder that   Air Force officials reinforce tattoo, body alteration policy. Air Force Instruction 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance, states "Excessive tattoos and brands will not be exposed or visible while in uniform." Excessive is…


Patient confidentiality in the military

I have posted in connection with some comments about Major Hasan and his desire to have patients prosecuted at court-martial for war crimes and other offenses while deployed to Iraq. Major Hasan’s war crimes trial requests, 17 November 2009. The issue has gained new attention with the recent mass shootings…


It’s not what you think I said, it’s what I said

Whenever I talk about court-room lawyering I always emphasize that the person must first be themself and not try to become someone they aren’t.  Once you decide who you are, your “style,” and how you will present, then you can take the other tools of advocacy and adapt them to…

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