United States v. Matthews is an interesting new Army decision. In this case the appellate courts ordered a DuBay hearing. During that hearing the prior military judge testified as to his rationale for various decisions at trial. Using that testimony, the Army Court of Criminal Appeals applied the harmless beyond…
Articles Posted in UCMJ
Limiting instructions
Here I’m talking about limiting instructions at court-martial, not alleged curative instructions. A limiting instruction is appropriate where evidence is admissible for one or more purposes, but is also inadmissible for one or more purposes. Here is a reminder from federalevidence blog of how that works. In multi-defendant cocaine conspiracy…
NMCCA sets aside BCD for Article 13 credit
Article 13, UCMJ, prohibits pretrial punishment. In United States v. Turner, NMCCA 200401570 (N-M.C. Ct. Crim. App. 22 December 2009), the court found pretrial punishment and set-aside the BCD. This may be somewhat pyrrhic because the sentence was adjudged in 2001. That means the appellant has been on unpaid appellate…
Good call Mr. President
The White House will not weigh in on the case of the three Navy SEALs facing court martial for allegedly mistreating an Iraqi terror suspect believed to have been behind the slaying of four Americans in 2004. CNSNews.com reports. We already have too much litigation by media, and by Congress…
Still open case
Nearly two years after prosecutors in Jacksonville decided not to charge anyone in the gunfight that killed a club owner outside his bar north of Springfield, the Navy has acquitted a sailor of murder in the case. NewsJacksonville.com reports — Navy prosecutors would only say they had believed the case…
Major Hasan gossip
An Army psychiatrist accused of fatally shooting 13 at the Fort Hood, Texas, military base had asked for a Muslim cleric’s advice about killing U.S. troops, according to a new interview. CNN.com reports. Retired Army Col. John Galligan, Hasan’s civilian attorney, has said his client is considering pleading not guilty…
Some news stories: "US: SOLDIERS FORCED TO GO AWOL FOR PTSD CARE." Inter Press Service English News Wire. 2009. HighBeam Research. (December 23, 2009). http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-174196126.html With a military health care system over-stretched by two ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, more soldiers are deciding to go absent without leave (AWOL)…
Third SEAL pleads NG
The third SEAL accused in the assault of an alleged al-Qaida terrorist pleaded not guilty Tuesday to charges of dereliction of duty and making a false official statement in a military court on Norfolk Naval Base. Trial by court-martial is set for 6 April 2010, Navy Times reports. The other…
Discipline under new pregnancy rules
Seven U.S. soldiers, including three men, have already been punished under six-week-old rules making pregnancy a violation of military law in northern Iraq. Stars & Stripes reports. The four soldiers who became pregnant were given letters of reprimand that will not remain a part of the permanent military file, Cucolo…
Litigation by Media and Congress
For some years now, primarily relating to Iraq/Afghanistan cases there has been lots of litigation by media and congress. The current move to save the SEALs by congress is just the most recent example of seeking to influence a court-martial case. The “litigation” has been both for and against the…