
Articles Posted in military defense counsel


Government “appeals”

When the government does not like the decision of a Court of Criminal Appeals–because it favors the Appellant, the Government has an automatic “appeal.” It’s called certifying the issue. This is an example of unfairness and discrimination in the appellate process which military defense lawyers are well aware of. So,…


Parental Discipline

The Army Court of Criminal Appeals has issued an important decision in United States v. Brassfield, __ M.J. ___ (Army Ct. Crim. App. 2024) (en banc) The court reaffirms that a servicemember accused of assault against their child may raise the defense of “it was parental discipline.” The definition of…


Defining meaning from words in a statute

Generally When deciding what a word or term in a statute means, the rule of statutory interpretation is to give the word or term its plain and ordinary meaning. This is known as the plain meaning rule. If the word or term is clear and unambiguous, then the court will…


Military Coram Nobis

A “coram nobis” appeal is a legal procedure used to challenge a criminal conviction or sentence after all other legal avenues for relief have been exhausted. It is a form of post-conviction relief available in some U.S. states and federal and military courts. Coram nobis appeals are generally limited to…


Double Jeopardy

A person being tried at court-martial may have their case dismissed before the members (jury) reach any findings. One way that can happen is when the military judge declares a mistrial. Your military defense lawyer should know what to do if the same charges are re-referred to a court-martial–the prosecution…


Sexual harassment

Well, calls for change to the new changes for the prosecution of sex crimes have already begun. During the Conference over the NDAA FY 22, sexual harassment was removed from the list of covered offenses under the jurisdiction of a special trial counsel (STC). But, the President was tasked to…


Discovery by the defense

Does the defense in a court-martial under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) have to give discovery about your defense to the prosecution? Yes, sometimes. There are several rules set out in the Manual for Courts-Martial that your military lawyer or civilian defense counsel knows about. The rules are…


Major Hasan representation

I blogged a bit of gossip the other day that there may now be up to 12 trial counsel working on Major Nidal Malik Hasan’s court-martial.  I had blogged that Major Hasan had two military counsel, that appears wrong, and so too might be the rumor of 12 TC. Maj.…

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