
Articles Posted in insanity


Major Hasan’s mental “health”

Here are a couple of interesting items exploring the mental health issues potentially involved with Major Nidal Malik Hasan’s shooting rampage at Fort Hood – conclusion, he’s sane. Howard Bloom asks, What if Nidal Malik Hasan is Sane?  Psychology Today blog. Were they the insane acts of a man driven…


Catching up on Major Hasan news

Sane or insane, Major Hasan’s mental state before and during his alleged offenses will be raised in his court-martial.  Death penalty cases are different so sayeth they U.S. Supreme Court.  Everything must be raised that could possibly have some impact on either the finding of guilt to a capital charge…


Fort Lewis murder case reports: Having now admitted to murder, Fort Lewis Spc. Ivette Davila today awaits word on whether she will face the death penalty for it. Davila, 23, an Army chemical specialist, is charged with killing Staff Sgt. Timothy Miller and Sgt. Randi Miller in their Parkland home March 2, 2008,…


Military insanity defense – Part III

If Major Hasan raises an insanity defense for his acts at Fort Hood, how might the defense actually work if at all. Presumably he will present a combination of witnesses and documents.  The media is reporting that prior to reporting to Fort Hood Major Hasan had “problems” so there will…


Military insanity defense – Part II

In Part I, I briefly outlined the formal examination process prior to presenting an insanity/lack of mental responsibility defense.  Now here is some information on the “law” or legal standard for an insanity defense.  This is the defense that Major Hasan and his lawyers are going to have to consider…


Military insanity defense – Part I

The military (insanity) lack of mental responsibility defense is set out in several places relevant to Major Hasan and the events at Fort Hood.  The first step that should be taken by a prudent convening authority in this case is to order a mental examination under R.C.M. 706, as soon…

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