Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds This is an interesting read on what I usually refer to as confirmation bias.
Court-Martial Trial Practice Blog
Punitive not collateral
I have argued for some time that sex offender registration is punitive not merely collateral to a conviction. This morning, the US Supreme Court granted cert in Gundy v. US to consider whether Congress’s delegation to the attorney general the power to issue regulations interpreting the federal Sex Offender Notification and Registration Act…
Let’s object
During trial, the defense counsel make many decisions; sometimes there is an objection to evidence, sometimes not. How the appellate courts deal with allegedly inadmissible evidence depends on whether there was an objection at trial. If there is an objection the appellate court looks to see if the evidence was…
Hills trailer park
Since United States v. Hills, and then United States v. Hukill, the appellate courts have been trying to sort out quite a few cases on remand. Here is a list of the most recent CAAF actions. No. 18-0087/AF. U.S. v. Jonathan P. Robertson. CCA 39061. On consideration of the petition for grant of review…
Army–partial return to the public
Go to Army publications After a lengthy absence from the general public, the following are now, again, available to the public. (ACCA decisions are still not available. Army Lawyer. See, Lore of Corps, Special Edition, here. There is an interesting short piece on “Command Influence ‘Back in the Day.’ Consequently, The…
Conflict of interest–at The Supremes
SCOTUSBlog reports a petition of the day is: Campanelli v. Illinois, 17-1225 Issue: Whether the Sixth Amendment right to conflict-free counsel forbids multiple attorneys in a single public defender’s office from concurrently representing non-consenting, adverse co-defendants. Keep this in mind because this is a potential problem for ALL military defense counsel offices. For…
Shaken baby syndrome–WTR
We have a new book worth the read to litigators facing child assault allegations with Shaken Baby Syndrome “evidence.” Randy Papetti, The Forensic Unreliability of the Shaken Baby Syndrome: The Book. Arizona trial attorney Randy Papetti has brought nearly 20 years of experience and research to his valuable new analysis…
How to decide what was decided in split decision with multiple opinions
According to SCOTBlog: The question of how to count the votes of the justices to decide who won a Supreme Court case – and on what ground – when the court is splintered has baffled lower courts for years. The rule laid out in Marks v. United States purports to answer that…
Task Force Purple Harbor
Task Force Purple Harbor, a joint NCIS-led Task Force, stood up immediately following Marines United during March 2017, has identified six special courts-martial which have adjudicated cases related to the actual, attempted, or threatened nonconsensual distribution of intimate images. Of note, three of the cases summarized below occurred prior to…
Deliberate ignorance?
Of interest to military justice practitioners is a new grant of certiorari at the U. S. Supreme Court today. SCOTUSBlog reports: Okechuku v. United States, No. 17-1130 Issues: Whether, and under what circumstances, the erroneous submission of a deliberate-ignorance instruction is harmless error. From the petition of Appellant. Prosecutors routinely request, and…