
Court-Martial Trial Practice Blog


MCIOs may lie, cheat, and steal, we don’t care

The military trial judge erred in concluding that the search authorization required AFOSI complete information to determine probable cause for defendant’s DNA in a sex assault case. It’s not. Just because there were differing versions of how dressed the victim was when she woke up doesn’t make the authorization without…


2 AF attorneys potentially facing discipline

The head of Hill Air Force Base’s Equal Opportunity Office has been reassigned after failing to take complaints of sexual harassment seriously. As part of the investigation, it appears two attorneys were referred to the Professional Responsibility Program for the Air Force Judge Advocate General Corps. That office has initiated…


In the ‘we are not alone’ category, the High Court of Denmark affirmed the findings and increased the sentence of a senior officer.

The High Court of Denmark found that the defendant was guilty of having tried to abuse his position to get his then-girlfriend and later spouse admitted to a highly coveted leadership training within the Armed Forces. He was also found guilty of attempting to abuse his position by trying to…


USNA disenrollment lawsuit

Standage v. Braithwaite, No. ELH-20-2830, (D.C. MD Dec. 22, 2020). This is the lawsuit filed by Midshipman Standage t declaratory and injunctive relief regarding his recommended disenrollment from the Naval Academy. The suit was dismissed without prejudice as not yet ripe. Standage was the subject of Academy disciplinary actions because…


Brady delayed is justice denied

COURT OFAPPEALS-TENNESSEE (Nashville)  See State v. Tennessee. A post-trial discovery case. The court begins, “The primary issue in this case involves the State’s delayed disclosure of obviously exculpatory evidence.” Overall a very nice cases discussing Brady-plus’s [[1]] application to post-trial matters.  Colin Miller in discussing this case observes that, “In Brady…

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