Do you (as you should) use Firefox as your browser? If so, you are perhaps used to using tabs for opening multiple windows. I’m told even Explorer does that now. Also, Adobe and my favorite Nitro PDF also use tabs to navigate between documents. Anyway, here is a potential useful tool for your Office programs to set up tabs.
I’m a confirmed WordPerfect user – it’s so much better than Word – but I understand people are forced to use Word.
Check it out: Office Tab.
Office Tab is a small add-on which will bring tabbed browsing to Microsoft Office. Generally every new word document or excel worksheet or powerpoint slide we open opens up in a new window and this occupies a lot of space on taskbar and also its hard to manage all the windows. With this application, you can open any number of tabs in the same Office application window. This makes it easy to manage multiple things you are working on at the same time.
There are some drawbacks. Even when using two screens it’s not possible to view two Word documents at the same time as it is without the tabs. However, if you are using multiple Word documents for reference or to cut and paste to other documents it works fine.