
NG and Domestic Operations

Office of the Chief Counsel, 2019 Domestic Operations Law & Policy, 2d ed. The National Guard Bureau, 28 November 2018.

The cover letter to the policy says,

1. I am pleased to present this 2nd edition of the Domestic Operations Law and Polley Manual! Following the devastating hurricanes and fires of 2017, I
tasked our office to develop a policy manual, in collaboration with various state and federal subject matter experts, to incorporate the multitude of issues that the National Guard legal personnel reviewed in support of domestic operations. My intent was to provide a resource for National Guard personnel to use during future incident-response operations within the United States. The manual is designed to provide practitioners with a summary of the legal framework for common issues they may confront, along with statutory and regulatory references for further in-depth analysis.

2. As stated previously, over the years I personally observed myriad response efforts, and there are two realities that pertain to every response: first. an
effective whole of government response is dependent on all legal personnel communicating, collaborating, and coordinating with each other and with state and federal agencies. Second, regardless of your level of experience with domestic operations, there is always more to learn and ways to improve.
3. This new edition of the manual goes further than our inaugural edition by incorporating UAS policy changes, mutual aid and assistance agreements, the role of the NGB JET, and several new issue papers. We also incorporated suggestions from the field to make the manual more user-friendly and accessible – I hope you find it to be a valuable tool.

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