
DOD IG semiannual report

TheDOD IG Semiannual Report to the Congress has been issued for the reporting period of October 1, 2014, to March 31, 2015 is on line.  The report complies with a requirement of the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended.   The report is a summary.

  • DoD IG issued 103 reports, identifying $101.1 million in questioned costs and $261.6 million in funds put to better use.
  • $41.1 million in financial savings based on management-completed corrective actions to reports issued during this and previous reporting periods.
  • Defense Criminal Investigative Service reported 57 arrests, 120 criminal charges, 101 criminal convictions, 121 suspensions and 120 debarments, as well as $921.9 million in investigative receivables and recoveries. An additional $123.6 million in assets were seized along with $12.7 million in monetary judgments.
  • The Administrative Investigations Component closed 437 senior official investigations and 617 whistleblower reprisal/restriction cases. The Defense Hotline received 5,932 contacts.


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