
Articles Posted in Up Periscope


Up periscope (incl MAJ Hasan sitrep) reports: A US special forces member suspected of having accidentally killed a British aid worker held hostage in Afghanistan could face disciplinary action, officials said Thursday. Reuters reports that: Col. James Pohl, the presiding officer at Hasan’s hearing, denied a request from Hasan’s lawyers to delay the Article 32…


Up periscope

Inside Bay Area has a piece about corruption in the California National Guard. From 1986 until her retirement last year, Jaffe’s job with the California Army National Guard was to give away money — the federally subsidized student-loan repayments and cash bonuses — paid for by federal taxpayers nationwide —…


Military and political activity

All service members are encouraged to vote.  You can make donations.  You can attend political functions, but not in uniform. Here the Marine Times points out that there are some considerations and limits on political activity. DoDD 1344.10. In short, you are barred from doing online what you can’t do…


Up periscope

AP reports: Two women testified at a military hearing Tuesday that they would not have had sex with an airman had they known he was HIV positive, and one said she believed him when he said he wasn’t because he was in the Air Force. Professor Friedman has put up…


Coast Guard small boat collision

AP reports: A U.S. Coast Guard investigating officer has found no legal justification for the deadly collision of a Coast Guard boat with a smaller vessel in San Diego Bay that killed an 8-year-old boy, the Los Angeles Times reported Monday. San Diego 6 reports: [The] investigating officer has rejected…


Up periscope

The Seattle Times reports (on a Ramrod Five/Stryker Brigade case): The Army has postponed a hearing that had been scheduled for Tuesday for Staff Sgt. David Bram, who faces charges of conspiracy, striking another soldier, cruelty, dereliction of duty and impeding an investigation while serving in southern Afghanistan. reports…

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