Navy Times reports the issuance of another Secretarial letter of censure: In a slap at the fading and officially out-of-favor tradition of racy, sarcastic and irreverent aviation call signs, a just-retired Navy fighter squadron commanding officer was censured by Navy Secretary Ray Mabus Wednesday for failing to halt and subsequently…
Articles Posted in Up Periscope
McElhaney on depositions, no I mean Article 32’s
Here are some thoughts from Professor McElhaney, in the ABA Journal on examining experts at depositions. It is not too hard to replace “deposition” with “Article 32.” I know, I know, it’s not often the expert shows up at a 32. But other witnesses do. Some of the same principles…
And we have trouble get evidence to our expert
Up periscope
Navy Times reports: The commanding officer of Navy Recruiting District Nashville was fired Wednesday, the 15th CO relieved this year and the second in two days. The other day I posted an item about Army tattoo policy. Here is one for the Air Force reported in Time. Army Times reports: …
It appears the Major Hasan is releasing Mr. Galligan as his attorney. Had this from a journalist who called asking for “why?” Politico reports however: The lead attorney for Maj. Nodal Hasan, the man charged in the 2009 shooting rampage at Ft. Hood in Texas, says he is temporarily stepping…
MAJ Hasan
UPI Asia reports: A key White House report is being kept from the lawyer for the Army psychiatrist charged in the worst mass shooting on a U.S. military base, his lawyer says. The Army has also not provided all e-mails between suspect Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan and radical Muslim cleric…
Thanks NMCCA
Up until, today I think, I would visit NMCCA’s website looking for new “opinions,” and then read each of them looking for interesting issues and points, etc. That was frustrating. As DMLHS posted the other day, the court hasn’t issued a published opinion for some time, and the number of…
Right Result Wrong Reason
The post title is plagarized, um, no its not, I’ve given attribution, from the VA Bar CLE weekly update. Formerly under Virginia law, cases in which a party had failed to present an argument in the trial court were not eligible for the appellate courts to apply the "right result…
No it’s not about Casey Anthony
It’s about evidence and technology. Do enough computer crimes in the military and you’ll see why this article about the Casey Anthony trial has some peripheral interest. New York Times reports: Assertions by the prosecution that Casey Anthonyconducted extensive computer searches on the word “chloroform” were based on inaccurate data,…
CP cases
Stars & Stripes has this interesting piece about how it (apparently) may have been engaged, without its knowledge or consent, in hosting CP.