Lily Gordon, Fort Benning hustles to adapt to JAG office loss – this past Monday, apparently due to arson,, 17 July 2009. No-one was injured. This story appears in today’s Saturday, Jul. 18, 2009, Former Fort Benning employee pleads guilty to JAG arson A former Fort Benning civilian…
Articles Posted in Up Periscope
Supreme Court schedule
The October SCOTUS oral argument scheduled for October 2009 has been released. There are several cases of potential interest to military justice practitioners. Maryland v. Shatzer (08-680) — limits on police questioning after a suspect asks for a lawyer. U.S. v. Stevens (08-769) — government power to criminalize videos and…
GI Slaying Suspects Faced Heavy Combat July 15, 2009 Associated Press FORT CARSON, Colorado – Soldiers from a Colorado unit accused in nearly a dozen slayings since returning home – including a couple gunned down as they put up a garage sale sign – could be showing a hostility fueled…
Notification under Vienna Convention
It’s been a while since this issue has come up, and it does come up every now and again in military cases – DoD has approximately 50,000 foreign nationals on active duty. Some more fallout from the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Medellin v. Texas fell today from the California…
Commander publically discusses giving an Article 15
For those following the animal cruelty case at Fort Bliss, and also noting CAAFLogs reference to a potential new “charge” in the UCMJ of animal cruelty, here is a public discussion by the Fort Bliss garrision commander about his decision to issue an Article 15, UCMJ, punishment. Fort Bliss Garrison…
CAAF grant on a Walters issue
CAAF has granted review in United States v. Trew of this issue (this is a link to Trew’s discussion on CAAFLog and the NMCCA opinion) (and here is my earlier post): WHETHER, IN LIGHT OF UNITED STATES v. WALTERS, 58 M.J. 391 (C.A.A.F. 2003) AND UNITED STATES v. SEIDER, 60…
New CGCCA cases
United States v. Lindsey, the dishonorable failure to pay just debt case is now on line. While prosecution in this case seems reasonable, I’m always concerned when the military begins to act as a debt collection agency. United States v. Daniel, is an unpublished opinion about admission without objection of…
New CAAF opinions.
United States v. Marshall, __ M.J. ___ (C.A.A.F. 2009). This is a fatal variance case. Appellant pled not guilty to escaping from the custody of Captain (CPT) Kreitman but was convicted, by exceptions and substitutions, of escaping from the custody of Staff Sergeant (SSG) Fleming. We granted review to consider…
Captain Coke.
Coast Guard O-6 convicted of cocaine use.
Justice noir
For those of us who do read crime noir novels for entertainment, here is an interesting perspective. This all quote from Legal Blog Watch. Cloak-and-Dagger Justice Perhaps it was a dark and stormy night when Scott W. Stucky was sworn in as a judge of the U.S. Court of…