Here’s a little more on the Army’s reinstatement of the QMP program from Nancy Montgomery with Stars & Stripes. After nearly seven years of suspension, what the Army calls the “Qualitative Management Program” is back, providing a means, the Army says, of ridding the service of marginal leaders. The QMP…
Articles Posted in Up Periscope
Lynndie England Talk Canceled After Threats. is reporting: August 14, 2009 (The talk is reported here.) Associated Press A lecture by the woman who became the public face of the Abu Ghraib scandal was canceled Friday at the Library of Congress after threats caused concerns about staff safety. Former Army reservist Lynndie England had been…
Another war protestor
Yesterday was a post about another active duty war protestor. Here is an update and some commentary. ——————– Armed for Court-Martial Combat, The Austin Chronicle. In recent years, anti-war resistance in the military has concentrated on the Iraq conflict. But as forces in Afghanistan increase, that war is being highlighted…
This war objector faces a year in jail.
From the Killeen Daily Herald News, by Rebecca LaFlure (photo Steven Doll) Sgt. Travis Bishop, 57th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, walks out of a military court at Fort Hood with supporter Cindy Thomas, manager of Under the Hood Café Thursday afternoon on the first day of his special court-martial. A Fort…
Your chance to be published?
Call for Papers – 2010 ASIL Lieber Society Military Prize by Kenneth Anderson Here is the official call for papers for the 2010 ASIL Lieber Society Military Prize essay. To enter a paper, you do not have to be a member of ASIL, but you do have to be a…
Quality assurance.
“The Army has reached it’s end strength numbers and believes it can easily reach the additional 22,000 SECDEF authorized last month. It is reinstating its Qualitative Management Program (QMP) that screens E-6 to E-9 records for any behavioral or legal problems and then separates those Soldiers.” Keep in mind the…
Deserters abroad.
New policy keeps heat on deserters in Japan By Travis J. Tritten and Hana Kusumoto, Stars and Stripes Pacific edition, Friday, August 14, 2009 The U.S. military in Japan has been more aggressive in charging and tracking deserters since a fugitive sailor stabbed a taxi driver to death last year,…
More business for lawyers.
Navy stepping up drug testing program Stars & Stripes reports. Sailors will face increased random drug tests as a result of recent changes to the Navy’s drug prevention program. The changes remove the requirement for an annual unit sweep. However, they mandate a minimum of four tests per month that…
War resister not coming home – yet.
An American war resister one step away from being extradited to the United States has learned she’ll get to stay in Canada a little longer. A judge has ordered a new pre-removal risk assessment for Kimberly Rivera, a 27-year-old mother of three who deserted the U.S. army in 2007 because…
Fourth Circuit on validity of a MEJA-extra territorial type prosecution.
Monday, August 10, 2009: Fourth Circuit affirms CIA contractor detainee abuse conviction, Andrew Morgan [JURIST] The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit [official website] on Monday affirmed [opinion, PDF] the conviction of a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) [official website] contractor on assault charges related to the abuse of…